If we realize that happiness is not merely the satisfaction of acquiring things, and that great happiness lies in a mind that can remain tranquil, there is only one thing to do; to consider what we can do to maintain our peace of mind. This meditation workshop provides hints on how to keep the mind calm and meditation practice to find serenity within our mind. Once you learn the method to be calm, you can become a person who can be happy whatever the given situation may be.
Thursday 4 November 7:30pm – 9pm (Online)
- Serenity Within Meditation (15mins)
- Keeping the Mind Calm Study (15mins)
- Reflection Meditation to Gain Insight (15mins)
- Group Discussion.
Join Meditation Workshop Online via Zoom
Remember this single peace of advice: “Maintain your inner serenity.” In time, you will gradually realize it is not so easy to do, and you will find that through this simple act of keeping the mind calm, you will develop greatness, without your knowing.”
Ryuho Okawa
Workshop Reading
Just think about when you are happy and when you are not. If you are promoted, if you are successful or get a lot of money, you will probably be happy. But wait a moment; these conditions may serve as the impetus to make you happy, or the means by which you persuade yourself that you are happy, but are they really necessary or sufficient to ensure you true happiness? No, not really. Even without money, status, or the appreciation of others, we can still feel happy, deep in our hearts.
If we realize that happiness is not merely the satisfaction of acquiring things, and that great happiness lies in a mind that can remain tranquil, there is only one thing to do; to consider what we can do to maintain our peace of mind, whatever the circumstances. Conditions do not always change, nor do they stay as we might wish. Even if circumstances do change, it takes time. However, if things do not change immediately, there is something we can do – we can keep our mind calm, no matter what the circumstances. Then, in our tranquil state, we will be able to discover moments of happiness, and find that we are capable of blessing the world and other people once more.
Remember this single piece of advice: “maintain your inner serenity.” In time, you will gradually realize it is not so easy to do, and you will find that through this simple act of keeping the mind calm, you will develop greatness, without your knowing.
From “Serenity Within” by Ryuho Okawa