“If you think the future is dark, a dark future will come. If you think the future is bright, A bright future will come. Actually, it is your mind that is attracting future things and events. A mind is like a magnet. The thoughts that you continuously send out, determine the direction you go. Beware of those who always speak negatively. When such people fail, Or experience something bad, they will say, “See I told you so,” and avoid taking responsibility, feeling satisfied that they were able to protect themselves. In a sense, they are egoists. Many who are smart but cannot work efficiently are like this. If you are showered with negative thoughts, read bright words, make a bright expression, and say repeatedly, “Every day is wonderful. Everyday is a new life. Everyday is full of hope.” You will become the light that illuminates the world.
A Guide for the Mind No.29, Poem by Ryuho Okawa.